New Art Installation at West Middlesex University Hospital

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March 26, 2024

Digital artworks by Dominic Harris have been installed in the Haematology/Oncology Day Unit at West Middlesex University Hospital as part of the CW+ Arts in Health programme. These pieces, from Harris’s Bloomed collection, including Camelia and Ranunculus, aim to enhance the treatment environment. Patient and staff consultations emphasised nature-themed art to improve the space, bringing colour and vitality to create a more comforting atmosphere for patients undergoing treatment.

"It makes me happy that my artworks have found a home where they can contribute to an atmosphere of healing and recovery. Art, much like nature, has the profound ability to soothe, inspire, and nurture the human spirit. My hope is that, in their own small way, these pieces offer comfort and a touch of natural beauty to those on their journey to recovery." - Dominic Harris


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Featured Artworks

Bloomed: Camellia

Camellia japonica

Bloomed: Ranunculus


Bloomed: Edelweiss

Leontopodium nivale

Bloomed: Agapanthus

Agapanthus africanus